Meter specifications:
Meter type OB434-CT-MOD (Modbus/M-bus)
Nominal voltage (Un) 230/400V AC (3~) Operational voltage 80%
Un ~ 120%Un Insulation capabilities: - AC voltage withstand
4KV for 1 minute - Impulse voltage withstand 6KV – 1.2µS waveform
Basic current (Ib): CT type 1.5A
5A Maximum rated current (Imax)
CT type 5/6A
Operational current range 0.4% Ib ~ Imax Over current withstand 30Imax for 0.01s
Operational frequency range 50Hz ±10% / 60Hz ±10%
Internal power consumption ≤2W / 10VA per phase
Test output flash rate (PULSE LED) 1000imp/kWh (optional)
CT Ratios 30 ratios available
Power supply indicator (Phase A, B& C LED)
Meter connected A/B/C voltage power detected
Consumption indicator (PULSE & SO LED) Flashing in rerlation to consumption
Data retention The data can be stored for more than 20 years when power is off
1.5 RS485 Modbus / M-Bus Communication RS485 Modbus communication specifications: Bus type RS485 Protocol MODBUS RTU with 16 bit CRC Baud rate 1200,2400(default),4800,9600, (19200 optional version) Address range 1-255 user settable Bus loading 64 meters per bus Rage 1000m M-Bus communication specifications: Bus type M-bus baud rate 2400 (default)、4800, 9600 Range ≤1000m 64PCS* Downlink signal Master to slave, Voltage modulation Uplink signal Slave to master, Current modulation Cable JYSTY (n×2×0.8) Protocol EN13757-3 Max. Number of meters per Bus : 64*